Hats and Fleeces Given to 280 Schoolchildren in Nepal to Celebrate Jasmine’s Birthday

January 16, 2017

Jimmy, Children of the Earth Core Team Leader, from Nepal and Dhiki celebrated Jasmine’s birthday by giving out fleece jackets and hats for shcool children in a remote region of Nepal.

With the help of COE and others, they collected enough funds to purchase 280 fleece jackets and hats. The fleeces were tailor made in different sizes and colours and on each of them was an embroidery of Jasmine flower and the letter J.D., which means initials of Jasmine Dolma or it could also be Jimmy/Dhiki.

The original plan was to help 119 students at Shree Lekharka Basic School, but with the generosity of our friends like COE, they were able to reach out to kindergarten children of four other schools in the impoverished area – Bhotenamlang, Gopre, Kafle and Bhotangdevi.

Dhiki, Jimmy and some of their friends and along with their children went on a journey filled with fun and entertainment from village to village distributing fleeces to children in need.

As you can see from the photos below, they were quite sad to see the condition some of the children who not only had no proper clothing but also walked barefoot.

To be able to give out the fleeces to so many of them gave the group a very good feeling. 

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