Anis Khan

1. What is your Name?
My name is Anis Khan ‘Insan’ (The Human)
2. What is your date of birth?
My Date of Birth is 29th June,1984
3. How do you define spirituality?
Spirituality means knowing/understanding the Natural Law of Entire Existence i.e. Natural law of relation with other human units and non-human units.
The result of complete spirituality can be seen in two sentences:
- Scarcity free family
- Complaint-less relations
4. How do you explore your own spirituality?
I never assume anything to be true or false instantly. I verify it on the basis of self-exploration not on the basis of:
- Any scripture
- Any instrument
- Any other person
But on the basis of my own natural acceptance. And I keep on checking the conclusions till it riches the extent of Natural Law which applies to all:
- Individual
- Space
- Time
And I have reached to many conclusions which are common to all human beings. This attitude can only lead the world to be an Integrated World Family.
Today I am able to recognize the difference between physical needs which is very limited whereas my mental needs which are continuous and unlimited. I have enough capability fulfill both of my needs. I think spirituality is not more than this.
5. What qualities would you expect an Ambassador to have? How would you fulfill these expectations?
- Permanent self-confidence
- Prosperity (lacking a sense of lacking)
- Confidence to achieve mutual fulfillment in relationships
- Participation and recognition in society
- Good health
- Knowing self as human being not as Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Indian, American.
6. Do you have experience planning events and/or workshops? If so please share your experiences.
Yes, I have given workshops of seven days (42 hours) 6 times:
- 50+ Teachers of Maharashtra in Godndiya
- 30+ Teachers of Maharashtra in Nagpur
- 70+ Villagers
- 30+ Students of 12-18 years age
- 70+ Students of J.N.V. school of 14-17 years age
- 15+ Villagers of Rajsthan
The workshops are about knowing the natural law of work and relations or learning how to live in given six levels:
- Harmony in self
- Harmony with body
- Harmony with family
- Harmony with society
- Harmony with Nature
- Harmony with entire Existence
Which I am Learning from Madhyasth Darshana Sahastitvavada (Co-Existentialism) profounder Mr. A. Nagraj
90% of people declared that during these seven days they had joy more than their entire life. These declarations give me eternal bliss. The difference in me, after studying this philosophy, 80-90% of my mistakes have been decreased not only in my actions but also in my thought.
7. Where are you located?
My native place is Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. Presently I live in IASE University Sardarshahr
8. In a brief paragraph please share how you make a difference.
- Most of the time I try to live on my own rights.
- I always try to be coherent in actions and words as well as thoughts without caring what others say about me.
- I write poems in Hindi. My first book is going to be published.
- For me human-human relation is bigger than any other things such as post, money, look, religion, race, nationality, sex, power.
- On the basis of my studies co-existentialism I can very well say that I have the rational information (not understanding) about the answers of every question related with human life.
The assumption of self-existence as Indian/American, Muslim/Christian, etc. ascertain the boundary of Ours and Others. No one can live happily without destroying these boundaries. I could know myself as human being 'The complementary unit for entire existence' and I feel no one is other for me.